Thursday, July 14, 2016

6.5 Years - the beginning

I'm 28 and I was recently dumped by my boyfriend of 6 and a half years - while I was on vacation! -  and I'm hoping this blog will be cathartic and healing so thanks for allowing me to share and be raw and honest with you.

*Names have been changed - but everything else is true

After 6 and 1/2 years together it's over after a $17 phone call. 6 and 1/2 years of ups and downs, job changes, moves, loss of family, weddings (although never ours), holidays, vacations, and inside jokes.  How could it just be over that easily for him?  

I guess I should go back to the night we met, New Years Eve 2010.  It was tradition to have a New years eve party at my house every year but in 2010 so many people were traveling and out of town that it was cancelled last minute.  I was working at a restaurant and was asked to work a few hours that evening after someone called in sick.  Finally after a crazy few hours dealing with drunk people I grabbed my phone to confirm the nights plans with the few friends that were still in town.

"Hey!  We are headed to a party in College Park for the night - come join us" texted Natalie*.  I wasn't thrilled about the idea but I figured it was better than staying home alone so I quickly texted her back and asked if they would pick me up so we could all ride together.

About 45 minutes later I waited in my driveway for Amys* dark blue Honda civic, tired from working and not really looking forward to going to some random party in CP.  As I hopped into the back seat of the car I tried to feed off the excitement of my friends and make the best of the evening.

"There at least better be some cute guys for me to make out with" I stated as I buckled my seat belt.

They all laughed and told me to relax - it was going to be a great party!

An hour later, pulling up to the old brick town house I put a smile on my face and followed Amy and Natalie into the party.

The moment I stepped inside any excitement I had mustered up was quickly extinguished.  There were at most 20 people at the party and only 6 of them were guys.  "Uggghh" I thought to myself, this is gonna suck.

I didn't know anyone at the party besides the friends I came with so I quietly shadowed them, and attempted to make small talk with any new people I met.  

Not really thrilled with how the night was playing out I followed Natalie into the kitchen to find something to drink and thats when I saw him.

About 5'7", brown hair that was awkwardly parted in the middle, matching brown facial hair with flecks of red, and dressed in jenko jeans, a flannel shirt, and sporting a wallet chain ( I later found out it was a "come as your favorite decade" theme party and he was the 90's).  

"Finally a cute one" I thought to myself as soon as he smiled at me.  It turned out he was there with a Molly*, friend of Natalies from college, so the four of us started chatting and I learned his name, Jason*.  

For a reason that I can no longer recall I didn't drink much throughout the evening so when someone suggested we head to another party I volunteered to drive.

Jason and I headed out to the car in front of everyone else and as i climbed into the drivers seat and he slid into the back I did something I'll never forget.  

I turned around to look at him and clearly told him "just so you know, we will be making out later tonight."

I remember the look of shock on his face and the drunkenly enthusiastic "ok!" he offered back, as I sat there still surprised by the very forward move I had just made.

Emboldened by his response I confidently continued to flirt with him over the next few hours and then invited him back to the apartment we were crashing at for the night - an offer he quickly accepted!

Back at the apartment we played the Jewish edition of Apples to Apples ( for some reason i'll always remember that) before everyone else passed out for the night.

Jason and I snuggled into an armchair together and continued to chat and finally make-out! (Score!)   We discovered he lived pretty close to me, we both loved musical theater, and we both loved football!  I was smitten to say the least, and more than eager to exchange numbers when he suggested it the next morning as we said goodbye.

On the ride home he texted me "You rock and I can't wait to hang out again!".  Nothing at that moment could take away the elated feelings I had or the huge smile plastered on my face.

I didn't know what was going to happen next but I knew I had a huge crush on a special guy.

Now 6 years later its over....

1 comment:

  1. I know you wrote this post about a year ago but I just saw you once commented on my blog. I read your first two posts and I'm so sorry you went through this! Heart break is really the worst :-/ especially from a real, true love. Hope you're doing better! Xo
